Here you will find information about life as a student at the Chemical centre not directly related to your studies.
Newly admitted student
On this page you will find all the information you need when you have been admitted to our courses or programmes.
Practical information
On this page you find information regarding starting your student account, getting an entrance card, lockers, lab coats and other things "good to know".
Our Campus
Here you can find more information regarding the building, the café and the library
Get involved
Here you will find more information and links to how you can get involved in the student life at Lund University.
Chemistry in Lund - Canvas page
How do I sign up for my exam? Do I need to re-register on my course? When should I get the results from my exam?
You can find answers to many of your everyday questions on the Chemistry Canvaspage!
Log in with your LU account.
Student Office
You can always contact the Student Office if you have any questions:
studentexp [at] kemi [dot] lu [dot] se